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Results tagged with: domain name security

Total Search Results: 8

Kaminsky Urges Patch for DNS

Posted on 08/07/2008 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

Dan Kaminsky, a security expert with IOActive, sent an urgent request that systems are patched after recent DNS attacks. The problem is that virtually everything on the Internet involves requests to the domain name system, increasing the vulnerabilities. Kaminsky explained how the security methods online can and have been defeated …
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VeriSign Expanding Project Titan to Strengthen DNS Infrastructure

Posted on 03/20/2008 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

VeriSign announced that they plan to increase security within their Project Titan, which is “a global imitative to expand the infrastructure of the Internet to anticipate future demand brought by increased e-commerce transactions.” One of the main goals is to increase the number of DNS queries that can take place …
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DOS Attack on DNS Exposes Vulnerabilities

Posted on 10/28/2002 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

The recent massive denial-of-service attack on the root servers of the domain name system exposed vulnerabilities to the Internet’s core addressing system. The DNS servers are essential to the Internet as they convert domain names to their numerical IP addresses. While the attack only resulted in moderate damage, it exposes …
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ICANN Moves to Increase Server Security

Posted on 10/24/2002 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

After recent denial-of-service attacks, ICANN formed a new security committee to figure out how to improve the DNS system security. The chair of the new committee is Internet pioneer Stephen Crocker (he helped develop the original backbone network that was the start of the Internet), who reports that the recent …
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ICANN Ill-Prepared for Possible Future Attacks

Posted on 10/24/2002 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

Though ICANN claims the recent denial-of-service attack had little effect on the domain name system, things could have been significantly worse. As it stands, it’s reported that more than half of the Internet’s root-level servers were affected by the attack. Reports show that ICANN is ill-prepared for future attacks that …
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Denial-of-Service Attack on Domain Root Servers

Posted on 10/22/2002 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

A denial-of-service attack on 13 domain name service root servers caused chaos, but had little effect on the domain name system itself. While the attack continued over a couple of days, the 13 servers under attack are used only as a last resort for domain address searches. The Internet Software …
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Serbian ‘Hack Attack’ Is Really Just Email Spoof

Posted on 04/14/2000 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

While some report the number of domains hijacked in a Serbian ‘eTerrorist’ attack to be in the high 2000’s, Network Solutions says “No.” The company maintains that very few websites were affected, and that their servers were not hacked. The hijacking was an age-old email spoof job, which is completely …
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Domain Information More Secure

Posted on 06/25/1996 in News & Articles: iGoldRush Blog:

Network Solutions announced that it has made your domain information more secure, allowing you to choose from one of three new security levels when updating your domain information. The lowest level of security simply verifies that your email address matches the one on file. The next level assigns a password …
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